Privacy Policy

Botget S.A de C.V is responsible for collecting your personal data, the use that is given to them and their protection.

Your personal information will be used to provide the services and products you have requested, specifically the study and analysis of digital automation, as well as the intermediation of related procedures, to inform you about changes in them and to evaluate the quality of the service we provide you.

In order to be able to start our development and analysis efforts, we need to obtain, either through the information provided via email to us, personally, by phone or by fax, the following personal data: Name, Surname, Email, Telephone numbers (home , cell phone and/or office), internal processes and names of software involved.

In some cases, when it is strictly necessary to sign contracts, we can also collect the following data: Official identification, address, RFC, CURP, proof of income, personal, work or business references, marital status, occupation, date and place of birth , public deed proving ownership of the respective property, property payment receipt, utility bill (water, electricity or telephone).

We do not collect personal data considered sensitive according to the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties.

At all times you have the right to access, rectify and cancel your personal data, as well as to oppose their treatment or revoke the consent that you have given us for this purpose (ARCO Rights), through the procedures that we have implemented.


User data will be processed for the following purposes: (I) provide the information that has been requested; (II) in the event that a product is purchased or a service is contracted, perfect, fulfill and control the correct fulfillment of the contract, which in some cases may require that the data be processed by third-party Botget providers; (III) comply with Botget’s legal obligations, and (IV) send promotional communications, in the event that this has been expressly requested (at the time of registration on our website, through the corresponding button or in the section for that purpose within the Botget website). Botget does not transfer or transfer data to third parties, to the extent that it only obtains consent for the purposes described above.

Content: Botget will send promotional communications related to any product or service available on the web that currently includes the following sectors of activity: digital automation.

Means: Botget will send said communications by any means (i.e. postal, telephone, email or any other electronic means).

Unsubscribe: In relation to promotional communications by electronic means, we will inform in each of them how to unsubscribe and at no cost. We will respond to this request as soon as possible and, in any case, within the established legal term. However, despite the cancellation of the sending of advertising communications, we will continue to send messages for other purposes (such as messages regarding the status of any purchase made on our website). In the event of a merger, sale, joint venture, global transfer of assets and liabilities or other corporate operation, the data will be controlled by the company resulting from said corporate operation, for the same purposes as those specified here (unless (I) otherwise agreed with the client, or (II) imposed by applicable law). Before any third-party data is provided to us, it is necessary to have informed and obtained consent for it, in accordance with this Privacy and Cookies Notice. In the event that our free services are used to send messages to contacts, it is necessary to ensure that the recipient agrees to receive such messages. This service should not be used to carry out mass mailings of spam or to violate the privacy of any individual. Privalia does not make any decision in relation to this shipment and will only follow instructions. The shipment will be immediate, so it will not be possible to later correct the referred address. It should be known that the security measures of our systems for the provision of this service are basic level. We will not use or provide the data disclosed by the clients for any other purpose than the transmission of the message with the corresponding IPS and, therefore, once this sending requested by the client is finished, we will not save this data or any information, except that so required by law.


Cookies are pieces of information that web pages store on the user’s computer to remember their preferences, so Botget can offer a more personalized experience.

Botget uses cookies, among other things, to:

  • Remember preferences (payment, purchase, etc.) and thus be able to offer a personalized service. However, the payment process works on a secure server using the SSL (Secure Socket Layer) protocol that transmits the encrypted information that Botget cannot access.
  • Analyze browsing behavior (which sections are visited, where is clicked, etc.).
  • That content (such as products and campaigns) can be shared on social networks.
  • Know if our customers come from internet ads.

For this, it is necessary that you submit your request by email addressed to the Personal Data Processor:

Botget S.A. de C.V

Your request by email must be accompanied by the Request to exercise ARCO Rights form (you can obtain it by sending us an email to and we will send you said format which you must fill out, print, sign, scan and send said format to our email. In said request you must clearly indicate if you wish to:

  • Access the personal data we have collected
  • Rectify any personal data indicating the corresponding rectification
  • Cancel your personal data or oppose their processing
  • Revoke the consent you have given us

We will have a maximum period of 8 calendar days to respond to your request and we will inform you of its origin by email to the account from which you made the request.

Likewise, we inform you that your personal data may be transferred and processed inside and outside the country, by persons other than this company. In this sense, your information may be shared exclusively with other associated offices or with other offices or consulting agents in digital automation and business providers, solely for the purpose of being able to carry out, with their collaboration, the necessary analysis and intermediation procedures. software development, as well as for the purchase, sale, or rental of digital automation devices and equipment. If you do not express your opposition for your personal data to be transferred, it will be understood that you have given your consent for it. When your data is transferred to people other than this company, we communicate this privacy notice to the third parties to whom we transfer your personal data.

If you do not wish to grant your consent for your personal data to be transferred in the terms indicated in this privacy notice, or if you wish to stop receiving promotional messages from us, you can request it by email to:

We reserve the right to make modifications or updates to this privacy notice at any time, to attend to new legislation or jurisprudence, internal policies, new requirements for the provision or offering of our services or products and market practices. These modifications will be available to the public through the following means: i) visible announcement on our website.1

I declare under oath that I have read this Privacy Notice in its entirety and fully understood its scope and content. I hereby grant my consent and authorize my sensitive personal data to be processed and, where appropriate, transferred, in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Privacy Notice.